Media 360 Sleeve Kit
MEDIA 360 SLEEEVE KIT product is an offspring to our world renowned barbell offering.
BADASS hits the ground hard as usual with offering you our patent pending technology without the 7ft rod. Our steel is design and engineered to be assembled on your exisiting rod 25,26,27,28,28.5,29,30mm diameters only can be fitted.
For this kit to be yours you need a rod with 2- 180 degree “split washer” assembly refer to photos Now, your existing grooves and 2 -180 washer is the build off.
We need 4 measurements from you to construct the internal parts that will customize it as needed. You will need vernier calipers to get accurate reading too not delay the simple process. Refer to our photos and video for the step by step dimensions we require from you.
- rod “butt end” thickness
- washer thickness
- diameter of rod
- length of entire sleeve with flange= tape measure can be used
Our MEDIA 360 technology is engineered to be used on barbells to lift heavy weights. These MEDIA 360 sleeves and its ENTIRE components you purchase today are 1 of 12 respective systems and materials in que for the family of the line up. Your new purchase comes with 2x bronze oillite bushings per sleeve and anchored by retaining rings.